IMPBF-MAN Acid Neutralizing Filter
Solving Acidic Water Problems
Acidic water can be harmfully corrosive to your entire plumbing system. This condition can often be treated with a single acid neutralizing filter unit. We may also recommend the use of a water conditioner after the acid neutralizer to remove hardness.
IMPS/IMPB – Sulfur and Iron Filter
Solving Taste, Odor, and Staining Problems
These units are extremely effective in removing hydrogen sulfide and rion. These innovative designs use a unique air-injection filtering technology to oxidize sulfur or iron into preciptates that can be readily filtered and removed. Impression Series® Air Filters are environmentally safe – no toxic chemicals are used, like in many other systems.
IMPAN/IMF – Versatile Filter
In some cases, a household system simply needs a little extra filtering. This versatile filter can be used as an up-flow acid neutralizer (IMAN) or a down-flow filter (IMF). We can best determine the need and/or positioning of this filter product.The Impression Series® acid neutralizers and filters are designed for use in combination with other Water-Right water softeners to successfully treat specific water problems or challenging conditions. When properly configured, your Impression Series® system can provide the quality water you want without the unwanted minerals and hardness, odors and tastes or acidity.
IMPAF-MGS – An Automatic Greensand Filter
Solving Problems of Iron, Manganese and Hydrogen Sulfide
The IMAF-MGS Filter unit uses Greensand media to effectively remove iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide from well water by using an oxidation and filtration process. Potassium permanganate, housed in a small feed tank, helps clean the iron and sulfur from the Greensand to be efficiently washed clean during backwashing.
Impression Series Features:
• An advanced control head with solid-state micropressor control.
• Flexible “adjustable cycle sequence” programming – conserves water.
• Advanced history and diagnostic screens.
• Extended life lithium battery backup.
• Simple to run, efficient to operate.
• Easily programmed for optimum performance.
• Designed for flow rates that won’t disrupt your household water usage.