Ultraviolet Systems
The idea of UV disinfection comes to us from nature. The sun’s rays contain UV light – the same UV light that is used in ultraviolet systems to disinfect our water supply. There is a growing need for a proven, environmentally-friendly disinfection system to disinfect our well and spring water.
We understand that providing safe drinking water for your family is a top priority for you. It is our goal to provide low-maintenance equipment that will ensure that your drinking water is safe.
How does UV light work?
UV technology can be more effective than chemicals in destroying certain waterborne contaminants without altering the taste of the water. This makes it a practical process for treating water that is used for drinking and food preparation.
UV light disinfects by penetrating microorganisms and disrupting their DNA, preventing them from multiplying. The only function of a microorganism is to breed and produce colonies. This is the reason why bacteriological contamination is usually associated with occurrences of diarrhea. A microorganism which cannot breed is of no concern.
UV light is similar to light from the sun and must be treated as such. The purple blue glow coming from your UV lamp is not the light that is targeting the bacteria. UV light is not visible to the human eye. The purple blue light is simply there to indicate that the lamp is ON. A person must be careful not to expose themselves to a UV lamp that is on as they can harm their eyes as well as expose themselves to a skin burn similar to a sun burn in the summer. A UV lamp remains ON 24 hours per day, 7 days a week and must be replaced once a year as the UV light will begin to degrade over time. This is a crucial point when considering a UV system for water treatment.
Why do I need that filter in front of the UV lamp?
Plainly speaking, that filter removes any particles that happen to be in the water and that may obstruct the UV light from “doing its job” of disrupting the DNA of microorganisms that could cause harm.
Why do I need to have the UV lamp on softened water?
Any UV lamp will put off heat as a by-product. Heat will cause the calcium and magnesium ions that make up what is generally termed “hardness” to precipitate on the hot surface – such as the sleeve surrounding the UV bulb causing the sleeve to be coated. If there is iron in the water, it will also do the same. Eventually, this will completely block the UV light, effectively eliminating the light altogether. Softened water is necessary for continued effectiveness of the UV lamp.
What maintenance is needed for this equipment?
The manufacturer recommends annual UV bulb changes. At the same time, we also suggest that the glass that protects the bulb be examined for cloudiness or anything that may block the light. This can be done by either the homeowner or a service person. We carry replacement bulbs and sleeves for the equipment that we install and can get replacements for many other brands.
Ultraviolet light is an effective method to take care of
bacterially contaminated water commonly found
in shallow wells or spring systems,
without changing the taste of the water.